Detailed information about +17242800921 or 7242800921 phone number in New Castle Pennsylvania US

7242800921 or +17242800921



7242800921 or +17242800921

Jane Doe commented 2024-05-05
Car warranty/insurance scam or TV/Internet service scam? Take your pick! Or who knows what else kind of scam if you try calling # and fight through their voicemail system....


7242800921 or +17242800921

Penny Wise commented 2024-05-04
Call came in before 10 AM today (yes, Saturday!) Some sort of voicemail system trying to get my husband to say "Yes" (!). I tried calling back (on a phone where I can BLOCK incoming calls) & got voicemail directing me to what appeared to be a car warranty/insurance scam. Couldn't recall specific details and called AGAIN and the 2nd time it was some sort of TV/Internet scam!

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